My photo
Gaylord, Kansas
realized when describing myself to use E words: so i could stop referring to myself as Weird! I am really just trying to keep my thoughts collected with this whole Blog thing, all in one place, not sure If I ever meant to have ppl understand my collection of chaos! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

SELF HELP INSPIRATION: Tips for Happiness in Daily Life

SELF HELP INSPIRATION: Tips for Happiness in Daily Life: Daily life  can  be made happier. It is a matter of choice.  It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy.  It is true, we meet ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Who is a Confidential Informant?

This is the best answer I can give. It is a partial answer from a prisoner and it tells it like it is.
A confidential informant is a betrayer, a rat, a criminal and a liar.
Though dubious prosecutors and police policy that has established a justice system that routinely awards betrayal. Confidential informants will roll over on a friend and even turn in their own mother. A confidential informant is a person who will trade information for freedom. The laws reward those willing to provide prosecutors with substantial assistance that divulges the names of persons involved in the crime. This system encourages offenders to lie about others in order to avoid lengthy sentences.
When you are dealing with a persons life, and the fact that a drug conviction or any conviction with such severe punishment, can mean the end of that life on the outside. Every effort should be made by the government to see to it that the evidence used to gain a conviction is solid physical evidence gathered through just unmistakable means.
Most Americans trust the government, thus government witnesses, more times than not, would be considered trustworthy as well. The reality is that most informants are not trustworthy, a fact that most judges and jurors do not know. Even if they did feel that an informant is lying, it is the trust of the government(thus its informants), which, more times than not, lead to the decision to convict.
Using informants, most of whom would do or say whatever they are told for self-serving means, is surely justice denied. It is also a violation and misuse of the trust Americans put into the government.
The fourth amendment of the United States, which guarantees against "unreasonable searches and seizures" and prohibits warrants on anything but "probable cause" which has become a casualty of the drug war.

Another view 

There is a difference between a confidential informant and a paid informant. 
A confidential informant is one who wants or needs to retain anonymity for various reasons. The terms "RAT"or "Betrayer" are broad brush strokes to use when describing those who report crime. These terms are often used by those who are caught and punished by law enforcement, it is a method of intimidation. 
In many countries, being a good citizen is reward enough for the reporting of crime. Not so in other countries. Fear of reprisal or litigation is a common reason for some to wish to remain anonymous. Blowing the whistle on criminal activity is not wrong. That is why we have "crime busters" hot lines and shows like "America's Most Wanted". Helping law enforcement do its job is commendable and in most cases honorable. 
Is the soccer mom who calls in the report of a pedophile driving down the highway with your child after seeing an Amber alert, a rat just because she wishes to remain confidential? Is the neighbor who anonymously calls in a report of a crack house on your street a vilified betrayer. A resounding NO in both cases. 

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Life, Love and Happiness: Is 40 too Late to Reinvent Yourself?

Life, Love and Happiness: Is 40 too Late to Reinvent Yourself?: Photo by I love listening to children speak about all they are going to be and do when they grow up. They're going ...